In this patent infringement action between Eon Corp. (“Eon”) and Alcatel-Lucent (“ALU”), among others, Eon served patent infringement contentions, which were repeatedly challenged by ALU and other defendants. As part of this process, Eon filed a further amended complaint against ALU alleging indirect infringement. In this amended complaint, ALU did not include any products by name. Eon subsequently filed a motion seeking leave to amend its infringement contentions against ALU to include seventy-six products, seventy-two of which were not included in its initial infringement contentions.
When ALU moved to strike these contentions, the court was not persuaded that the original proposed infringement contentions satisfied Local Patent Rule 3-1 because although they named infringing networks they did not show how ALU’s accused products were used in those particular networks. As a result, the court ordered Eon to modify its infringement contentions to show how particular ALU products were used in an infringing network. Eon subsequently served amended infringement contentions against ALU pursuant to the court’s order, which included more than twenty new ALU products that were not disclosed in the prior amended infringement contentions. The court then ordered the removal of the new ALU products, which Eon did a few months later.
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