In its Institution Decision, the Board addressed whether Trevarthen, a bachelor’s thesis from the University of Wollongong, qualified as prior art against U.S. Patent No. 9,844,206 B2. The Board emphasized that “at the institution stage, the petition must identify, with particularity, evidence sufficient to establish a reasonable likelihood that the reference was publicly accessible before the critical date of the challenged patent.”
The Board found persuasive evidence that Trevarthen was publicly available through multiple channels. Notably, the thesis was published in the University of Wollongong’s Research Online digital archive, which “ensures that ‘a digital copy’ of each reference… published in the digital repository ‘is available universally on the Internet and located through search engines such as Google and Yahoo.'”
The decision highlighted corroborating evidence from the Internet Archive showing “Trevarthen was available on ‘Research Online on September 7 and 12, 2007, and March 22, 2008.'” The Board also found significant that download statistics indicated “Trevarthen was downloaded hundreds of times before September 2008.”
Particularly compelling was the thesis’s citation in an International Search Report dated March 18, 2008. The Board noted that “a patent examiner’s identification of a reference through a search for the purposes of locating prior art ‘is highly probative evidence of public accessibility.'” Continue reading