A recent discovery dispute in the ongoing Boston Dynamics v. Ghost Robotics litigation provides an interesting look at how courts analyze attorney-client privilege in the context of legal memos shared with third parties. In an October 2024 order, Magistrate Judge Burke denied Boston Dynamics’ motion to compel additional discovery related to two legal memos that Ghost Robotics’ attorneys had prepared and shared with third parties.
The key issue was whether Ghost Robotics waived attorney-client privilege by sharing these memos. As the court explained, “The attorney-client privilege protects confidential communications between a client and an attorney relating to the purpose of securing legal advice.” However, this protection isn’t absolute – “If a client voluntarily discloses privileged communications to a third party, the privilege is waived.”
Boston Dynamics argued that the memos contained privileged communications, but Ghost Robotics maintained that “the content of the memos was never protected by the attorney-client privilege, in part because the memos were created with the intent that they were to be immediately disclosed to third parties.”
Judge Burke’s analysis focused on a critical distinction: The court found that “the substance of the memos seems not all that different from the content of a letter or an e-mail that a party’s attorney might send to opposing counsel in a case like this, or of a statement that an attorney might make in a press release or a court filing.” While Ghost Robotics’ attorneys likely had confidential discussions about these issues, the memos themselves didn’t reveal privileged communications. Continue reading