The court had previously granted Apple’s motion to compel Samsung to produce the source code for Samsung’s accused products. Apple moved to compel a second time and sought issue preclusion sanctions for Samsung’s failure to produce source code. The court decided to focus on Samsung’s failure to produce code for its “design-around” products. The court focused on design-arounds because by “their very nature design-arounds impact key questions of liability, damages, and injunctive relief.”
The court noted that its previous order had required Samsung to produce all source code for all accused products by December 31, 2011. Samsung did not produce the source code for the design-around products until March, 12, 2012: “Samsung did not produce source code for its ‘891 and ‘163 design-around until March 10 and 12, 2012 – after the close of fact discovery – knowing full well that the court would not grant the parties any exceptions. Samsung offers no explanation why it could not produce code in commercial release months before the deadline, or produce other code in commercial release until months after the deadline. Samsung also offers no explanation why it failed to bring any source code production problems to the court’s attention as soon as practicable and instead put the onus on Apple to seek relief.”
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