
Patent Lawyer Blog


Court stays litigation pending IPR challenge, but requires that Defendants agree to be estopped from asserting any invalidity contention that was “actually raised and finally adjudicated” in the IPR proceedings

In Coho Licensing LLC v. Glam Media, et al., Coho filed suits against defendants AOL Inc. (“AOL”), Glam Media Inc., Ning Inc., LinkedIn Corp., Rovi Corp., and Twitter, Inc. (collectively referred to as “Defendants”). On May 16, 2014, AOL filed petitions for IPR challenging the validity of all the claims…


Court Denies Declaratory Judgment Defendant’s Request to Re-Align Parties as Realignment Would Frustrate the Purpose of the Declaratory Judgment Act

Plaintiffs filed the declaratory judgment complaint in this patent case after receiving a letter from defendants alleging that Plaintiffs’ products infringe two of defendants’ patents. Plaintiffs sough declaratory judgment that Defendants’ patents, U.S. Patent Nos. 6,830,014 (filed Aug. 5, 2003) (“the ‘014 Patent”) and 7,267,082 (filed Dec. 30, 2005) (“the…


Court Excludes PTAB Decision That Conflicts With Prior Final District Court Judgment

In Affinity Labs of Texas, LLC v. Ford Motor Co., Affinity moved in limine to exclude any reference to the decision of the PTAB regarding an inter partes reexamination filed by a defendant in an earlier case involving a related patent, i.e.., one stemming from the same application and thus…


Patent Infringement Complaint Dismissed for Lack of Standing Where Co-Inventor Had Not Assigned Rights to Plaintiff

Plaintiffs Alpha One Transporter, Inc. and American Heavy Moving and Rigging, Inc. (collectively “Alpha One”) filed a complaint against Defendant and Third-Party Plaintiff Perkins Motor Transport, Inc. (“Perkins”). Perkins subsequently filed a motion to dismiss Alpha One’s complaint for lack of standing on one of the patents-in-suit (the ‘897 Patent)…


Failure to Make A Third Party Witness Available May Result In The Testimony Being Ignored

In the Mexichem Amanco Holdings S.A. de C.V. v. Honeywell International, Inc., the Patent Owner moved for additional discovery to depose a third party witness whose declarations were relied upon by Petitioner in its Reply to the Patent Owner’s Response. The witness originally submitted declarations in reexamination proceedings involving a…


Parent Company Ordered to Produce Documents in Response to Request to Subsidiary Where Parent and Subsidiary Shared Servers and Databases

Plaintiff Dri-Steem Corporation (“Dri-Steem”) sought production of documents in the possession and control of the defednant’s parent company National Environmental Products, Ltd. (“National”), via its wholly-owned subsidiary NEP Inc., dba Neptronic (“NEP”). Dri-Steem asserted that NEP has custody and control of the requested documents because it can secure them from…


PTAB to Apple: No Third or Fourth Bite at the Apple

In inter partes proceeding Apple Inc. v. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute et al., IPR2014-00320, Petitioner Apple sought a second request for rehearing, before an expanded panel of the PTAB, on the Board’s decision not to institute an inter partes review of RPI’s U.S. Patent No. 7,177,798 (“the ‘778 Patent”). The Board…


Motion to Dismiss Granted Where Patent Claimed Unpatentable Subject Matter (“Amazon”) filed a motion to dismiss Tuxis Technologies, LLC’s (“Tuxis”) complaint for failure to state a claim. Tuxis alleged infringement of the 6,055,513 (“the ‘513 patent”) against Amazon. As explained by the district court, the ‘513 patent relates to a method of upselling. The term “upsell” is defined in…


IPR Proceedings Filed Eight Months Apart Is Too Long to Permit Joinder

In the Macronix International Co., Ltd. et al. v. Spansion LLC, the PTAB denied Petitioner’s motion for joinder under Section 315(c). On November 8, 2013, the Petitioner filed a petition for inter partes review of U.S. Patent No. 7,151,027 (“the ‘027 patent”), which was later granted on May 8, 2014.…


Motion for Summary Judgment Based on Apple License as Defense Denied Where Apple Products Were Not Used to Satisfy Any Claim Element

In this patent infringement action between Personal Audio (“Personal Audio”) and Togi Entertainment, Inc. (“Togi”), the defendants filed a motion for summary judgment based on a license defense. They requested summary judgment “to the extent Plaintiff’s claims involve Apple software, products, systems, or services, all of which were previously licensed…

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