
Patent Lawyer Blog


Research in Motion: Purported Inventor’s Late-Filed Lawsuit Dooms Claim of Co-Inventorship Because Laches Based on Economic Prejudice Bars the Claims

In this dispute over the inventorship of a patent that is integral to BlackBerry products, the district court held a bench trial on the applicability of laches. The issue at the bench trial turned on whether RIM suffered economic prejudice as a result of plaintiff’s delay in bringing the lawsuit.…


Complainant OSRAM AG Loses Summary Determination Motion to Establish Satisfaction of Domestic Industry Requirement at the ITC Because It Could Not Establish Economic Prong

Complainant OSRAM AG (“OSRAM”) moved for a summary determination that it had satisfied the economic prong of the domestic industry requirement. Respondent LG Electronics, Inc. and other LG entities (collectively, LG) opposed the motion. OSRAM moved for summary determination on the ground that it has devoted substantial resources in the…


Claims for Inducing Infringement and Willful Infringement Dismissed Based on Failure to Plead Sufficient Facts

Defendant TIBCO Software Inc. (“TIBCO”) moved to dismiss plaintiff’s claims for inducing infringement and willful infringement. Plaintiff’s complaint alleged that “TIBCO is ‘inducing its customers to directly infringe the ‘864 Patent by providing its customers and others with detailed explanations, instructions, and information as to arrangements, applications, and use of…


Damage Expert Opinion Allowed Where Expert Properly Apportioned the Value Between the Patented Feature and the Unpatented Features of the Accused Products

Plaintiff retained an expert to opine on damages arising from the defendants’ alleged infringement of the asserted patents. The defendants moved to exclude the expert report on two grounds: (1) the expert failed to properly apportion the value of the patented features; and (2) the expert misapplied the market value…


Expert on Dispute over Inventorship Permitted to Rely on Section 102(f) to Establish Purported Inventor Did Not Make Significant Contribution to the Invention

In this dispute over inventorship of a patent, Affymetrix (“Affymetrix”) and Gregory Kirk (“Mr. Kirk”) sought to correct U.S. Patent Nos. 7,510,481 and 7,612,020 to add Mr. Kirk as one of the inventors on the patents. The patents are directed to a method and an apparatus for conducting genetic testing…


3,000 Page Attachment with Limitation by Limitation Invalidity Analysis Violates ITC Ground Rule and Is Rejected

In this matter pending before the International Trade Commission (“ITC”), the ITC (Administrative Law Judge James Gildea) rejected the respondent’s pre-hearing statement for failing to follow ITC Ground Rule 7.1. As noted by Judge Gildea, the parties filed their respective prehearing statements on May 3, 2012. “Ground Rule 7.1 requires…


Apple v. Motorola: Motorola Loses Bid to Exclude Apple’s Damage Expert

In the ongoing battle between Apple and Motorola, Motorola moved to strike portions of Apple’s supplemental expert report on damages. The district court had previously granted Apple’s request to supplement its damages expert report to address information that was disclosed between the filing of Apple’s initial damage report and the…


Multi-District Panel Rules That America Invents Act Does Not Bar Centralization of Multiple Defendants in Single District

Bear Creek Technologies, Inc. (“Bear Creek”) is the patent holder in fourteen patent infringement actions pending in three different district courts. Bear Creek moved for centralization in the District of Delaware or, alternatively, the Eastern District of Virginia. In each of the cases, Bear Creek alleged that various telecommunications companies…


Apple Wins Motion for Issue Preclusion Sanctions Against Samsung for Samsung’s Failure to Produce Source Code

The court had previously granted Apple’s motion to compel Samsung to produce the source code for Samsung’s accused products. Apple moved to compel a second time and sought issue preclusion sanctions for Samsung’s failure to produce source code. The court decided to focus on Samsung’s failure to produce code for…


Court Denied Motion to Exclude Expert Testimony That Relied on Consumer Survey to Establish Evidence of Infringement

Pact XPP Technologies (“Pact”) filed a patent infringement action against Xilinx, Inc. (“Xilinx”) and other defendants. Xilinx filed a motion to exclude Pact’s expert’s testimony on inducement. Pact claimed that the defendants induced Xilinx customers to infringe the asserted patents and presented expert witness to offer an opinion that Xilinx…

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