
Patent Lawyer Blog


Plaintiff Allowed to Amend Complaint to Include Willful Infringement Based on Allegation That Defendant Continued to Sell Infringing Products after Learning of Patent Through Service of Original Complaint

Englishtown, Inc. (“Englishtown”) filed a patent infringement action against Rosetta Stone, Inc. (“Rosetta Stone”) for alleged infringement of patents pertaining to language-learning products, software, online services and practice tools. Englishtown sought leave to amend its complaint to include an allegation of willfulness based solely on post-litigation knowledge and conduct. Rosetta…


Declaratory Judgment Jurisdiction Found Where Patent License Negotiations Reached an Impasse and NDA Did Not Preclude a Lawsuit

Plaintiff Biomet, Inc. (“Biomet”) filed a complaint for Declaratory Judgment against Bonutti Skeletal Innovations, LLC (“Bonutti”) seeking a declaration that the manufacture, use, or sale of Biomet’s products does not infringe on Bonutti’s patents. Bonutti filed a motion to dismiss for lack of subject matter jurisdiction pursuant to Fed. R.…


Disclosure of Opinions of Counsel to Customers Waived Privilege as to the Opinions and the Subject Matter of the Opinions

Plaintiff The Procter & Gamble Company (“Plaintiff”) filed a patent infringement action against Clio USA, Inc. (“Clio”). Plaintiff moved to compel certain opinions of counsel and other documents concerning the subject matter of those opinions. In the litigation, Clio had produced to Plaintiff copies of two abridged opinions, which were…


Adobe Moved to Disqualify Opposing Counsel Where Counsel Had Done Opinion Work and Had Never Sent a Letter Terminating the Relationship Before It Took Matter Adverse to Adobe

Plaintiff TQP Development, LLC (“TQP”) filed a patent infringement action against Adobe Systems Incorporated (“Adobe”). TQP was represented by the law firm of Russ August & Kabat in the action against Adobe (“RAK”). Based on the fact that RAK had previously represented Adobe in opinion work, Adobe moved to disqualify…


Inequitable Conduct Claim Dismissed on Summary Judgment Motion Where Conduct of Patent Prosecutor Was Disputed and Did Not Require a Finding of Intent to Deceive

KFx Medical Corp. (“KFx”) alleged that Arthrex, Inc. (“Arthrex”) infringed three of its patents: United States Patent Number 7,585,311 (“311 Patent”), United States Patent Number 8,100,942 (“942 Patent”) and United States Patent Number 8,109,969 (“969 Patent”). All three patents share the same name: “System and Method for Attaching Soft Tissue…


No Ongoing Royalty Allowed Where Plaintiff Failed to Request Ongoing Royalties Before Entry of Judgment

After the jury returned a verdict of $5 million, the district court denied the parties’ post-judgment motions, including plaintiff’s motion for attorney’s fees, which was the only post-judgment motion filed by plaintiff. The district court then entered judgment on the jury verdict. The defendants then appealed from the judgment and…


Motion to Quash Deposition Subpoena for Complainant’s CFO Denied by Administrative Law Judge Where CFO’s Deposition Was Relevant to Domestic Industry Requirement

Complainant Neptun filed a motion to quash three notices of deposition served by several respondents, specifically Satco, Maxlite, and Litetronics. Neptun sought to quash the three separate notices of deposition directed to Marzenna Bobel, the CFO of Neptun. Satco opposed the motion, and cross-moved to compel Mrs. Bobel’s deposition and…


Patent Case Rulings from the Central District of California: Apr. 1 to Apr. 30, 2013

The following 36 decisions were reported in patent cases pending in the Central District of California for the period of April 1 through April 30, 2013. The authors of are patent trial lawyers at Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell LLP. We represent inventors, patent owners and technology companies in…


Patent Case Rulings from the Central District of California: May 1 to May 31, 2013

The following twenty decisions were reported in patent cases pending in the Central District of California for the period of May 1 through May 31, 2013. The authors of are patent trial lawyers at Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell LLP. We represent inventors, patent owners and technology companies in…


Jury’s Award of Lump Sum Royalty Precludes Plaintiffs Request for Ongoing Royalties After Trial

After a jury trial in which plaintiff Summit 6 was awarded $15 million against Samsung, Summit 6 moved for an award of future, ongoing royalties to compensate it for Samsung’s continued infringement after the verdict. Summit 6’s motion was based on the argument that the jury’s verdict only compensated it…

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