
Articles Posted in District Courts


District Court Adopts Recommendation of Special Master Awarding Reasonable Attorney’s Fees Based on Flat Fee Agreement

Following Straight Path IP Group’s, the patent owner’s, unsuccessful appeal, Apple and Cisco moved for reasonable attorney’s fees. Although the district court reaffirmed the exceptionality of the patent owner’s prosecution of the case, the district court found that defendants’ fee requests were too high and directed the parties to submit…


District Court Excludes Royalty Damage Expert for “Conservative” Estimate That Relied upon 50% Apportionment Figure

In this patent infringement action between Guardant and Foundation Medicine (“Foundation”), Foundation moved to exclude the testimony of Guardant’s damage expert, Dr. Becker, on reasonable royalty damages.  In his opinion, Dr. Becker applied on an apportionment factor of 50% in that he asserted the patents contributed at least 50% of…


COVID-19 Justifies Stay of Litigation Pending Inter Partes Review Where Review Had Not Yet Been Initiated by Patent Trial and Appeal Board

Plaintiff DivX, LLC (“DivX”) filed patent infringement actions against Netflix and Hulu asserting that both companies infringed various patents. Both defendants filed motion to stay their cases pending inter partes review (“IPR”) proceedings before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (“PTAB”). As explained by the district court, starting in October…


District Court Determines No Personal Jurisdiction Exists Under Rules (4)(k)(1) and (4)(k)(2) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Where Plaintiff Could Show Only a Single Infringing Unit Was Sold in the State and Defendant’s Website and Other Activities Were Not Directed at Residents of the State

District Court Determines No Personal Jurisdiction Exists Under Rules (4)(k)(1) and (4)(k)(2) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Where Plaintiff Could Show Only a Single Infringing Unit Was Sold in the State and Defendant’s Website and Other Activities Were Not Directed at Residents of the State by Stan Gibson…


District Court Vacates $45 Million Damage Award But Holds That Plaintiff Did Not Waive Right to Damages Award Due to Invalid Damages Theory Put Forward at Trial

After the jury concluded that LG Electronics had willfully infringed a patent held by Mondis Technology and awarded $45 million in damages, the district court let stand the willful infringement determination but vacated the damage award of $45 million.  The district court concluded that the damage award was based on…


Defendant’s Motion to Exclude Plaintiff’s Lost Profits Damage Expert Denied Even Though Plaintiff’s Expert’s Opinion Was Contradicted by Testimony from Plaintiff’s Corporate Designee

In this patent infringement action, Plaintiff intended to use a damage expert to support a “lost profits” measure of damages and/or a “reasonable royalty” measure of damages. Defendant moved to exclude the lost profits analysis because the damage expert ignored the testimony of Plaintiff’s corporate designee that contradicted his ultimate…


District Court Permits Ex Parte Communication with Former Employee and Co-Inventor of Plaintiff But Orders Defendants to Turn Over Certain Email Communications

District Court Permits Ex Parte Communication with Former Employee and Co-Inventor of Plaintiff But Orders Defendants to Turn Over Certain Email Communications by Stan Gibson and Julia Consoli-Tiensvold In ICM Controls Corp. v. Honeywell International, Inc., Plaintiffs ICM Control Corp. (“Plaintiffs” or “ICM”) filed a letter motion objecting to ex…


Replacement Technical Expert Does Not Justify Amendment of Invalidity Contentions

In this patent infringement action, Defendants moved to amend their invalidity contentions and justified the amendment based, in part, on the replacement of its technical expert. Defendants asserted that its “replacement technical expert (engaged in December 2019 following the passing of prior expert Thomas Gafford) completed an independent review of…


District Court Grants Attorney’s Fees Where Plaintiff Pursued Plainly Invalid Patents

Plaintiff Innovation Sciences, LLC (“Innovation”) initiated a patent infringement action against Defendant (“Amazon”).  The original complaint asserted three groups of patents, encompassing a total of ten patents. After the district court found certain of the patents invalid because they were abstract and the Federal Circuit affirmed, Innovation filed an…

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