
Articles Posted in District Courts


Motorola: Inventor’s Ex-Spouse’s Co-Owns the Patent-in-Suit

In the matter pending in the Western District of Texas, Katrinecz, et al. v. Motorola Mobility LLC, Motorola moved to dismiss the complaint for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. In its complaint, the plaintiffs alleged that Motorola infringed U.S. Patent No. 7,284,872 entitled “Low power, low cost illuminated keyboards and…


Apple Motion to Stay Litigation Pending an IPR Is Denied by the District Court for the Northern District of California

In the matter pending in the Northern District of California, Aylus Networks, Inc. v. Apple, Inc., Apple moved to stay the litigation pending inter partes review of the patent-in-suit. On October 9, 2013, plaintiff Aylus Networks filed suit against Apple for infringement of U.S. Patent No. RE44,414. On September 29,…


Inducing Infringement Claim Dismissed on Sua Sponte Order Where Alleged Infringer Did Not Perform All Method Steps and Did Not Exercise Direction and Control

In this patent infringement action, the district court issued a sua sponte order requiring plaintiff to show why its inducing infringement claims should not be dismissed as a matter of law. After addressing the United States Supreme Court’s recent decision in Limelight, the district court noted that no single party…


Court Denies Declaratory Judgment Defendant’s Request to Re-Align Parties as Realignment Would Frustrate the Purpose of the Declaratory Judgment Act

Plaintiffs filed the declaratory judgment complaint in this patent case after receiving a letter from defendants alleging that Plaintiffs’ products infringe two of defendants’ patents. Plaintiffs sough declaratory judgment that Defendants’ patents, U.S. Patent Nos. 6,830,014 (filed Aug. 5, 2003) (“the ‘014 Patent”) and 7,267,082 (filed Dec. 30, 2005) (“the…


Patent Infringement Complaint Dismissed for Lack of Standing Where Co-Inventor Had Not Assigned Rights to Plaintiff

Plaintiffs Alpha One Transporter, Inc. and American Heavy Moving and Rigging, Inc. (collectively “Alpha One”) filed a complaint against Defendant and Third-Party Plaintiff Perkins Motor Transport, Inc. (“Perkins”). Perkins subsequently filed a motion to dismiss Alpha One’s complaint for lack of standing on one of the patents-in-suit (the ‘897 Patent)…


Withholding A Court’s Order From the USPTO in A Co-Pending Reexamination May Render A Patent Unenforceable in Litigation

In Masimo Corporation v. Philips Electronic North America Corporation, et al., the Philips Defendants moved for leave to amend their answer to add a defense of inequitable conduct based on Masimo’s alleged inequitable conduct during the ex parte reexamination of the patent-in-suit. Masimo opposed the amendment on the grounds that…


Prior Denial of IPR Petitions Dooms Litigation Stay Based On “Second Round” of Petitions Under the Totality of the Circumstances Standard

In CTP Innovations, LLC v. Solo Printing, Case No. 1:14-cv-21499-UU, the Court denied, without prejudice, Defendant’s motion to stay the litigation pending the inter partes review of the two patents-in-suit. In its motion to stay, the Defendant argued the traditional factors considered by court favored a stay, including that the…


Court Denies Summary Judgment Motion as Premature Prior to Markman Hearing

Pipeline Technologies Inc. (“Pipeline”) filed a patent infringement action against Telog Instruments Inc. (“Telog”). Telog filed a motion for summary judgment, seeking summary judgment on the ground that the disputed claims of U.S. Patent 7,219,553 (‘553 patent) are invalid for indefiniteness under 35 U.S.C. § 112(b). As explained by the…


Court Excludes Plaintiff’s Experts Where Experts Failed to Comply with Rule 26 Disclosures

In this patent infringement action, the defendants, Hangzhou Langhong Technology Co., Ltd. and Langhong Technology USA Inc., moved to exclude the testimony of plaintiff’s experts on infringement and damages. The district court had previously issued a scheduling order setting March 26, 2014 as the deadline for the parties to designate…


Motion to Stay Enforcement of Judgment Denied Where Defendant Was Found to be a Willful Infringer and Offered Inadequate Security

On May 16, 2014, the district court entered Judgment on a jury verdict in favor of Plaintiff Global Traffic Technologies, LLC (“GTT”) in the amount of $5,052,118, enhanced damages in the amount of $2,526,059, and prejudgment interest in the amount of $923,965, plus $1,384.14 for each day after October 31,…

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