
Articles Posted in District Courts


District Court Declines to “Reverse” Bifurcate Trial to Try Damages before Patent Infringement and Calls Motion “Baseless”

California Home Spas, Inc. (“CHS”) filed a motion to bifurcate the trial between damages and infringement and asserted that the damage trial should proceed first. As noted below, the district court denied the request finding that bifurcation is unusual and that defendant had not justified the unusual procedure in this…


District Court Denies Motion to Present Live Video Testimony at Trial

In this patent infringement action, defendant Dynamic Drinkware, Inc. (“Drinkware” or “Defendant”) filed a motion to permit it to present live video testimony at trial, or, in the alternative, to take the deposition of a non-party named Dan Blondal for use at trial. The plaintiff, National Graphics, opposed the motion…


Samsung v. Nvidia: District Court Bifurcates Trial in Two Phases with the First Phase to Determine Infringement and Damages and the Second Phase to Determine Validity of the Patents

The plaintiff, Samsung, filed a motion for an order regarding the presentation of evidence. Samsung’s proposal included a “six-stage” process for presenting the evidence. In support of the proposal, Samsung argued that the “six-stage” process would help the jury understand the complex issues it would need to decide. The defendant…


District Court Requires Plaintiffs to State Whether “Plain Meaning” Encompasses Defendants’ Proposed Claim Constructions

In this patent infringement action, the defendants asked the district court to compel the plaintiffs to provide constructions for disputed claim terms identified by the parties under the Local Patent Rules. Defendants identified 8 claim terms that they contended require construction. For each term that the defendants identified, the plaintiffs…


District Court Denies Motion to Dismiss under Section 101 Even Though Two Other District Courts Had Founds Patents Ineligible

In this patent infringement action, the Defendants filed motions for partial summary judgment of invalidity with respect to two of the patents at issue in the case. The defendants argued that two district courts had already found the two patents at issue in the case patent ineligible under section 101…


District Court Rules Plaintiff Need Not Come Forward with Evidence of Priority Date Earlier than Patent Application Until Defendant Produces Clear and Convincing Evidence of Invalidating Prior Art and Summary Chart Is Not Sufficient

Omega Patents, LLC (“Omega”) filed a patent infringement action against CalAmp Corp. (“CalAmp”) asserting that CalAmp infringes the claims of U.S. Patent No. 6,346,876 (“the ‘876 Patent”), U.S. Patent No. 6,737,989 (“the ‘989 Patent”), U.S. Patent No. 6,756,885 (“the ‘885 Patent”), U.S. Patent No. 7,671,727 (“the ‘727 Patent”), and U.S.…


District Court Declines to Stay Action Pending Inter Partes Review (“IPR”) Where Claim Construction Briefing Had Already Occurred

After the PTAB granted Defendant’s petition for IPR on certain of the claims in the patent-in-suit, the defendant filed a motion to stay the action pending the resolution of the IPR. The plaintiffs objected to a stay, but alternatively advocated for a partial stay allowing them to move forward with…


District Court Denies Motion for Leave to Have Forensic Expert Report Used as Affirmative Evidence

The defendants filed a motion for leave to have the forensic expert report of Curtis Rose considered as affirmative evidence. The defendants timely served Rose’s expert rebuttal report but sought to use his opinions as affirmative evidence, despite missing the deadline for doing so. According to defendants’ motion, the Rose…


District Court Denies Request for Finding of Exceptional Case Where Plaintiff Pursued and Lost Motion for Preliminary Injunction

Moblize contended that TDE Petroleum Data Solutions, Inc (“TDE”) either knew or should have known that its motion for preliminary injunction was meritless and that it was brought for the improper purpose of harassing Moblize. In its motion, Moblize asserted that “TDE’s actions were plainly designed to increase the cost…


Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction Denied Where Complaint Alleged Sufficient Facts to Establish Injury-in-Fact

Defendant’s filed a motion to dismiss pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P. 12(b)(1) motion, contending that Plaintiffs lacked standing because no case or controversy existed at the time Plaintiffs filed the complaint. Defendant argued that the Plaintiffs had suffered an “injury in fact.” The “injury in fact” element of standing requires “an invasion…

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