
Articles Posted in District Courts


District Court Denies Agreed Upon Consent Judgment and Permanent Injunction Where Parties Failed to Submit Consent and Injunction within 60 Days after Dismissal

After the parties settled the lawsuit, the district court dismissed the case without prejudice, subject to the right of any party to re-open the action within sixty days, upon good cause shown, or to submit a stipulated form of final order or judgment (the “60-Day Order”). Sixty-five days after the…


District Court Strikes Documents That Were Not Produced During Discovery Even Though Documents Were Publically Available

In this patent infringement action, Mobile Telecommunications Tech., LLC (“MTel”) filed against Blackberry Corp., MTel moved to exclude certain exhibits that were archived press releases published by RCR Wireless and SkyTel webpage screenshots of advertisements. MTel objected that these exhibits are inadmissible because they have not been authenticated by a…


Court Declines to Modify Judgment Based on Collateral Proceedings before the PTAB Finding Claims of Patent-In-Suit Invalid

Summary: In the decision referenced below, the court declined to modify a judgment pursuant to Rule 60(b)(6) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure even though the PTAB had found several claims of the patent-in-suit invalid. After a trial and an appeal to the Federal Circuit, which affirmed the royalty…


District Court Grants Permanent Injunction after Summary Judgment Ruling in Favor of Patent Holder Where Defendant Was Direct Competitor and Patent Holder Had Lost Sales and Market Share

After the district court granted the plaintiff’s motion for summary judgment of patent infringement, the district court addressed whether a permanent injunction was appropriate. The patent at issue, U.S. Patent No. 6,065,794 (‘794 Patent), which is titled “Security Enclosure for Open Deck Vehicles,” relates to storage management devices, or “trunk…


Experts Ordered to Produce Draft Reports Exchanged with Other Experts

In this patent infringement action, the plaintiff, BRP, alleged three counts of patent infringement against Arctic Cat concerning snowmobile frame construction and snowmobile rider positioning. BRP alleged patent infringement by at least 91 Arctic Cat snowmobiles regarding two frame patents and infringement by at least 95 Arctic Cat snowmobiles regarding…


District Court Denies Request to Have Invalidity Case Proceed Prior to Infringement Case

The parties in this patent infringement action could not agree on the order of proof at trial. Defendants sought to present their invalidity defense first, arguing that if the patent is invalid, they could not be liable for infringement. The plaintiffs opposed the request to re-order the proof at trial…


District Court Declines to Grant Voluntary Dismissal of Action with Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings Pending Where Patent Was Found Invalid by Another Court

After a district court in the Eastern District of Virginia invalidated the patent-in-suit because it did “not pass the two part test laid out by the Supreme Court in Mayo and Alice.” Peschke Map Techs. LLC v. Rouse Properties Inc., No. 1:15-cv-1365, — F. Supp. 3d —-, 2016 WL 1031295,…


District Court Grants Indicative Ruling to Vacate Judgment Based on Settlement of the Parties

In this patent infringement action, the parties reported that they had settled their dispute while it was pending before the Federal Circuit. The settlement was contingent upon the district court’s granting an indicative motion that it would vacate the underlying judgment. The district court began its analysis by noting that…


Covenant Not to Sue Insufficient to Warrant Dismissal of Counterclaims Where Covenant Contained Reservation of Rights

The plaintiff filed a motion to dismiss the defendants’ patent invalidity counterclaims for lack of subject matter jurisdiction pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P. Rule 12(b)(1) because the plaintiff withdrew its patent infringement claims and filed a covenant not to sue regarding those claims. In the motion to dismiss, the plaintiff asserted that…


District Court Asks Google and Oracle to Consent to Ban on Internet Research of Jury Panel

Following up on the district court’s previous ruling barring the use of jury questionnaires, the district court addressed the issue of whether any Internet research of the potential jurors should be permitted. After analyzing the reasons to issue an outright ban on such research, the district court explained that it…

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