
Articles Posted by Stan Gibson


District Court Excludes Prior Art References in Expert Report That Were Not Included in Invalidity Contentions

After the district court adopted a specialized scheduling order that was based on local patent rules in other districts, the plaintiffs served detailed infringement contentions and the defendant served detailed invalidity contentions early in the case. The parties could only amend the contentions for “good cause.” As the case progressed…


District Court Denies Motion to Exclude Expert Testimony on the Ground That the Expert Was Not a Person Having Ordinary Skill in the Art

Defendants sought to exclude the testimony of Plaintiff’s expert Joseph C. McAlexander III in its entirety because he lacked the appropriate technical background. In their motion, Defendants alleged that Mr. McAlexander’s testimony was inadmissible because he did not meet the requirements of one of ordinary skill in the art. The…


Aylus v. Apple: District Court Orders Production of Revenue Documents

Aylus Networks, Inc. (“Aylus”) sought documents from Apple “relating to the revenue, costs and profits from (1) purchases or rentals of iTunes video content using the accused Apple TV and/or iOS products iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch (‘Accused iOS Products’) [and] (2) purchases of video games on the App Store…


District Court Declines to Lift Stay Even After Patent Trial and Appeal Board Issued Written Decision on CBM Petitions

The district court stayed several consolidated cases pending certain proceedings before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (“PTAB”). In the order granting the stay, the district court stated: “Upon issuance of a final decision from the PTAB, the parties shall request that the stay be lifted so this case may…


District Court Dismisses Action after Patent Is Transferred to President of Company

After Plaintiff Pi-Net International, Inc. (“Pi-Net”) brought suit against Defendants Focus Business Bank and Bridge Bank, N.A. for patent infringement, the Patent and Trademark Office initiated an Inter Partes Review (“IPR”) of the patents-in-suit. The district court then stayed the action pending the resolution of the IPR. During this stay,…


District Court Denies Motion for Leave to Amend Answer to Assert Affirmative Defense of Patent Misuse

The defendants in this patent infringement action filed several motions for leave to amend their answers to include various affirmative defenses, including: (1) the affirmative defense of patent misuse; (2) the affirmative defense of inequitable conduct; (3) a counterclaim for declaratory judgment of non-infringement; and (4) a counterclaim for declaratory…


District Court Denies Motion for Leave to File Summary Judgment as Premature Prior to Claim Constructio

Rec Software USA, Inc. (“Rec”) filed a patent infringement action against HTC America, Inc. (“HTC”). HTC requested leave to file a motion for summary judgment based on 35 U.S.C. §101. The request for leave to file the summary judgment motion occurred prior to claim construction proceedings. HTC argued that the…


District Court Lifts Stay After Covered Business Method Review Is Dismissed Because Federal Circuit Would Not Have Jurisdiction to Hear Appeal of Dismissal

Plaintiff GT Nexus, Inc. (“GT Nexus”) filed a declaratory judgment action against Inttra, Inc. (“Inttra”) seeking a declaration that four of Inttra’s patents (“patents-in-suit”) were invalid and have not been infringed. Inttra filed counterclaims against GT Nexus for infringement of the patents-in-suit. The district court had previously stayed the action…


District Court Grants Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Standing on the Eve of Trial

Plaintiff Labyrinth Optical Technologies LLC (“Labyrinth”) filed a patent infringement action against Defendant Alcatel-Lucent USA, Inc. (“Lucent”), alleging that Lucent infringes U.S. Patent No. 8,103,173 (the “‘173 Patent”). On the eve of trial, Lucent filed a motion to dismiss the case for lack of standing, arguing that Labyrinth could not…


District Court Denies Unopposed Request to Seal Exhibits Where Only Justification for Sealing Was That Parties Designated the Documents Confidential under the Protective Order

Defendant Ericsson filed an unopposed motion for leave to file its motion to strike certain paragraphs of a supplemental expert report for the plaintiff under seal. Although the request was unopposed, the district court evaluated whether it was appropriate to seal the motion and accompanying exhibits. In the motion, Ericsson…

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