
Patent Lawyer Blog


Apple v. Samsung: Third-Party Licenses Become Public and IBM’s License Data Is No Exception

The ongoing patent dispute between Apple and Samsung will have significant consequences for both companies but the impacts do not stop with just those two. During the jury trial, many third parties are likely to have data revealed about their own practices as the court has been reluctant to prohibit…


ITC Denies Summary Determination Motion Where Respondent Filed the Motion Two Hours Past the Filing Deadline

The Respondent, Pandigital, Inc. (“Pandigital”) in this ITC investigation filed a motion for leave to file its motion for summary determination out of time. The proposed schedule in the matter required the filing of the summary determination motion by July 17, 2012. The deadline for filing documents with the ITC…


AT&T Mobility Successfully Dismisses Claims for Direct Equivalent Infringement and Indirect Infringement

Plaintiff filed a patent infringement action again AT&T Mobility LLC (“AT&T Mobility”) for “either literally or by equivalents, and either directly or by inducement or contribution” infringing the patent-in-suit. AT&T moved to dismiss. AT&T made three arguments in its motion. First, AT&T argued that the plaintiff’s claims should be dismissed…


Challenge to Plaintiff’s Damage Expert’s Opinion on Reasonable Royalty Successful Where Expert Relied on Hypothetical Negotiation That Would Have Resulted in Financially Catastrophic Agreement for Defendants

Defendants filed a motion to exclude the expert testimony of plaintiff’s expert on damages, including both lost profits and a reasonable royalty. The district court began its analysis by noting the Daubert standards for expert reports and then addressed the question of the reasonable royalty methodology used by plaintiff’s expert.…


Sling Media Successfully Moves to Strike Plaintiff’s Infringement Contentions

In this patent infringement action, the plaintiff sued Sling Media over patents that relate to technology for distributed computer devices that communicate in a networked environment in a secure and efficient manner. The plaintiff served preliminary infringement contentions and Sling Media subsequently moved to strike those contentions. Sling Media asserted…


Multimedia Patent Trust v. Apple: The Court Denies Multimedia’s Late Attempt to Amend Its Complaint to Add an Additional Patent

In December 2010, Multimedia Patent Trust (“MPT”) filed a patent infringement action against a number of defendants asserting infringement of a number of patents. Although MPT asserted the 5,500,678 (the “‘678 patent”) against several defendants, as well as other patents against several defendants and Apple, it did not assert the…


Court Denies Motion to Exclude Plaintiff’s Expert on the Absence of Non-Infringing Substitutes Even Though Opinion Was Based on Report of Another Expert

In this patent infringement action, the defendant, Faro Technologies (“Faro”), moved to exclude the plaintiff’s expert with respect to the expert’s opinion regarding the absence of acceptable non-infringing alternatives as a basis for lost profits. Faro moved to exclude on the basis that the plaintiff’s expert economist lacks the expertise…


Complainants in ITC Proceeding Permitted to Drop Patent from Investigation Over Objection from Respondents that Complainants Committed Inequitable Conduct before the Commission

In May 2012, the Complainants in this ITC proceeding, Standard Innovation (US) Corp. and Standard Innovation Corporation (“SIC”) filed a motion to terminate the Investigation in part with respect to U.S. Patent No. D605,779 (the “‘779 patent”). SIC filed the motion seeking to withdraw its allegations with respect to the…


SAP v. DataTern: Summary Judgment Granted Where Patent Holder Failed to Serve Infringement Contentions

SAP AG and SAP America (“SAP”) filed a motion for partial summary judgment against DataTern for failing to serve infringement contentions charting the patents-in-suit against SAP’s accused products. The district court’s order specified that the infringement contentions were required to be served on or before March 23, 2012. In analyzing…


Apple v. Samsung: After Remand from the Federal Circuit, Apple Wins Preliminary Injunction Against Samsung

Last December, the district court in the Northern District of California denied Apple’s motion for a preliminary injunction. Apple had moved for the preliminary injunction based on alleged infringement of three design patents and one utility patent. After the denial of the preliminary injunction motion, Apple appealed the order to…

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