
Patent Lawyer Blog


Recommendation to Grant Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Standing Where Plaintiff Did Not Retain Sufficient Rights in Patent-in-Suit

Azure Networks, LLC and Tri-County Excelsior Foundation (“Plaintiffs,” “Azure” or “TCEF”) filed a patent infringement action against several defendants, including Qualcomm and Marvell, among others. As explained by the court, “[t]he ‘129 Patent is entitled ‘Personal Area Network with Automatic Attachment and Detachment’ and discloses a Personal Area Network (“PAN”),…


Inter Partes Review: Dismissal Without Prejudice Bars Application of the IPR Statute of Limitations

In IPR2012-0004, on January 24, 2013, the Patent Trial and Appeals Board (“PTAB”) (A.P.J.s Blankenship, Giannetti and McNamara) issued its Decision on Petitioner MacAuto USA’s (“Petitioner”) IPR petition for review of BOS GmbH & KG (“Patent Owner”) U.S. Patent No. 6,422,291. The ‘291 patent relates to a roll-up blind especially…


Allegations That Patent Holder “Buried” the Patent and Trademark Office with Prior Art References Insufficient to Support Inequitable Conduct Claim

Plaintiff Parkervision, Inc. filed a patent infringement action against Qualcomm. Qualcomm answered the complaint and alleged an affirmative defense of inequitable conduct and a counterclaim that included a claim for inequitable conduct. Parkervision moved to strike the affirmative defense and the counterclaims pertaining to inequitable conduct, among other defenses and…


Russian Company Served Through Texas Secretary of State Held Proper Service Because the Russian Federation Unilaterally Suspended All Judicial Cooperation with the United States in Civil and Commercial Matters

Blue Spike, LLC (“Blue Spike”) filed a patent infringement action against Biolink Solutions LTD. (“Biolink”) and Biometric, LLC. Biolink is a Russian company that has no offices, employees, agents, distributors or related entities in Texas, but does business in Texas according to the complaint. Blue Spike served Biolink with the…


Inter Partes Review: The PTAB Warns Parties Against Sending Ex Parte Emails

In IPR2012-00035, on January 22, 2013, the Patent Trial and Appeals Board (“PTAB”) (A.P.J.s Lane, Robertson and Guest) issued an order concerning an ex parte email sent by Petitioner Nissan North America, Inc. (“Petitioner”). According to the Petitioner’s email, in its Preliminary Response the Patent Owner made arguments based on…


In-House Counsel’s Guide to Pro Hac Vice Admission to Practice before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB)

The United States Patent and Trademark Office’s new post-grant proceedings, including Inter Partes Review, are akin to litigation proceedings in several respects. As a result, the PTO Rules provide for the pro hac vice admission of litigation lawyers not licensed to practice before the Patent Office. However, practitioners should be…


Patent Case Rulings from the Central District of California: Jan. 1 to Jan. 11, 2013

The following six decisions in patent cases pending in the Central District of California were reported for the period of January 1 through January 11, 2013. DATE CASE AND HOLDING JUDGE MOTION TYPE 1/2/2013 The Tawnsaura Group, LLC v. Maximum Human Performance, LLC, 2-12-cv-07189 Otero Dismiss The court denied defendants’…


Brocade v. A10 Networks: Brocade Granted Permanent Injunction as It Satisfied Causal Nexus Requirement by Showing that It Practiced Its Patent, that A10 Was a Direct Competitor and that It Does Not License Its Patents

After the recent Federal Circuit decision in the Apple v. Samsung case and the district court’s application of that reasoning to find that a permanent injunction should not issue in Apple’s favor, many predicted that it would be very difficult to obtain a permanent injunction in patent cases going forward…


The Patent Trial and Appeal Board Requires A Patent Owner’s Challenge on The Petitioner’s Standing to be Raised in the Patent Owner’s Preliminary Response

In IPR2012-00022, the Patent Trial and Appeals Board (“PTAB”) (A.P.J.s Tierney, Green and Robertson) issued a decision rejecting the Patent Owner Isis Innovation Limited’s (“Patent Owner”) motion for leave to challenge petitioner Arisoa Diagnostics’ (“Petitioner”) standing to file the petition for inter partes review. According to the Patent Owner, the…


Danisco v. Novozymes: Declaratory Judgment Action for Non-Infringement and Invalidity Improper and Dismissed Where Action Was Filed Prior to or Simultaneously with the Issuance of the Patent

Danisco US, Inc. (“Danisco”) filed a declaratory judgment action asserting that its Rapid Starch Liquefaction products (“RSL products”) do not infringe certain patents held by Novozymes and that the patent-in-suit is invalid. Danisco and Novoyzymes are two of the major competitors in the field of developing and supplying industrial enzymes…

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