The following four decisions were reported in patent cases pending in the Central District of California for the period of March 18 through March 29, 2013. The authors of are patent trial lawyers at Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell LLP. We represent inventors, patent owners and technology companies in…
Patent Lawyer Blog
Hitachi v. Top Victory: Court Declines to Apply Retroactively AIA’s Prohibition on the Use of an Accused Infringer’s Decision Not to Obtain Advice of Counsel as Evidence of Willful Infringement
Hitachi Consumer Electronics Co. LTD. (“Hitachi”) filed a patent infringement action against Top Victory Electronics (Taiwan) Co LTD (“Top Victory”). As the case approached trial, the parties filed several motions in limine. In particular, Top Victory filed a motion in limine to preclude Hitachi from arguing to the jury that…
Motion for Sanctions Based on Threats of Counsel to Reexamine Patents and to Take Other Action Against Outside Counsel, Although at Best “Silly Posturing and at Worst Unprofessional,” Insufficient to Justify Sanctions Because of First Amendment
Plaintiff Vasudevan Software, Inc. (“VSi”) filed a motion for sanctions against defendant MicroStrategy (“MS”). The sanctions motion was based on statements that VSi characterized as threats against both VSi and its counsel by an outside counsel and a principal of MS, in conjunction with MS’s filing of a request for…
Canon Establishes Economic Prong of Domestic Industry Requirement on Summary Determination in ITC Proceeding
Complainants Canon, Inc., Canon U.S.A., Inc. and Canon Virginia, Inc. (“Canon”) filed a motion for summary determination that Canon satisfied the economic prong of the domestic industry requirement for each of the patents in the investigation. Canon asserted that it satisfied “[t]he economic prong of the domestic industry requirement based…
Apple v. Samsung: The Next Round Begins in District Court with the Court Ordering the Case Streamlined Limiting Each Side to Twenty-Five Asserted Claims and Accused Products and Stating “the Court Will Not Permit the Parties to Involve over Fifty Experts
In the next round of litigation in the ongoing war between Apple and Samsung over Smartphones, the district court ordered the parties to file a joint status report to address whether the new action should be stayed pending the appeal in the prior litigation. As explained by the district court,…
The PTAB Clarifies Scope of Permissible Discovery in Inter Partes Review Proceedings: Part 1 of 2
In this two-part blog, the standards for seeking discovery are discussed in the context of a recent order in Garmin International, Inc. et al. v. Cuozzo Speed Technologies LLC, IPR2012-00001. In Garmin, the Patent Trial and Appeals Board (“PTAB”) (A.P.J.s Lee, Tierney and Cocks) issued an order regarding the patent…
Carnegie Mellon v. Marvell: After a $1 Billion Damage Award, Marvell Loses Motion to Compel Documents for Its Laches Defense Because It Waited Too Long to File and the Court Would Not Entertain Such “Wild Goose Chases” at This Late Juncture
Carnegie Mellon University (“CMU”) filed a patent infringement action against Marvell asserting that Marvell had infringed two of its patents. Two months after the jury returned a verdict in excess of $1 Billion, Marvell filed a motion to compel certain documents based on entries on CMU’s privilege log that it…
Patent Case Rulings from the Central District of California: March 1 to March 15, 2013
The following eighteen decisions were reported in patent cases pending in the Central District of California for the period of March 1 through March 15, 2013. The authors of are patent trial lawyers at Jeffer Mangels Butler & Mitchell LLP. We represent inventors, patent owners and technology companies in…
PTAB Denies Petition for Inter Partes Review
In IPR2012-00041, the Patent Trial and Appeals Board (“PTAB”) (A.P.J.s Medley, Blankenship and Bisk) issued an order in Synopsys, Inc. (“Petitioner”) v. Mentor Graphics Corporation (“Patent Owner”) denying Synopsys’ petition. In its petition, Synopsys sought review of U.S. Patent No. 6,947,882 relating to systems for emulating integrated circuit designs. Synopsys…
Apple’s Motion to Transfer Action Brought by Core Wireless Denied Where Apple Failed to Identify Specific Witnesses Who Would be Inconvenienced if the Case Were Not Transferred
Core Wireless filed an action against Apple that alleged infringement of several patents in the Eastern District of Texas. Apple moved to transfer the case pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §1404(a). As explained by the court, “Core Wireless is a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the Grand…