
Articles Posted in District Courts


Barebones Complaint Leaves Nestlé With Bitter Taste

In a patent case pending before Judge Selna in the Central District of California, Defendant Nestlé USA, Inc. (“Nestlé”) moved pursuant to Rule 12(b)(6) to dismiss Plaintiff Network Signatures, Inc.’s (“NSI”) infringement claims under Bell Atlantic Corp. v. Twombly, 550 U.S. 544, 570 (2007) and Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 129 S.Ct.…


Thereasense Round Two: Even After “Seismic Shift” in the Law of Inequitable Conduct, District Court Applies Federal Circuit’s New Standard and Still Finds Patent Invalid Due to Inequitable Conduct

On remand to the district court after the Federal Circuit’s en banc decision in Therasense v. Becton, Dickinson and Co., the district court reviewed the procedural posture of the case and the landmark Therasense decision. The district court noted that “Therasense worked a seismic shift in the law of inequitable…


Patent Holder Loses Request to Extend Date for Filing Preliminary Infringement Contentions Where It Did Not Act Diligently in Seeking Relief from Court

ArrivalStar filed a motion seeking to extend the deadline for providing its preliminary infringement contentions arguing that the district court’s scheduling order only provided fourteen days for ArrivalStar to prepare and serve its preliminary infringement contentions, that ArrivalStar was misled by Enroute Systems, the opposing party, into believing that the…


Apple v. Motorola: Judge Posner Issues an Order Requesting Claim Construction That Are Written in Language That Is Intelligible to Jurors

In the ongoing struggle between Apple and Motorola over claims of patent infringement in just one of many battles that is taking place across the country over smart phones, both parties proposed claim constructions that were not particularly well-written for lay jurors. After reviewing the claim construction briefs and stating…


Common Legal Interest Doctrine Saves Privileged Documents from Production Where Parties Contemplated an Acquisition of Patents

Plaintiff moved to compel the production of documents that were listed on the defendants’ privilege logs. The district court explained the disputed documents as follows: “The disputed documents at issue were either authored by Ablation Frontiers, Inc.’s (“AFI”) outside counsel for AFI, or Medtronic’s outside counsel for Medtronic. The documents…


Interwoven v. Vertical Computer Systems: Motion to Stay Pending Reexamination Denied Where Alleged Infringer Filed Declaratory Judgment Action to Initiate Litigation and Then Participated in Litigation Through the Markman Hearing

Interwoven moved to stay all proceedings pending the outcome of an ex parte reexamination of the two patents-in-suit. Interwoven asserted that a stay was warranted because the defendant appeared unprepared to litigate and a reexamination would likely modify the issues in the case, with no undue burden to the defendant.…


Affirmative Defense for Invalidity Dismissed Where Affirmative Defenses Were Plead in the Disjunctive and Did Not Put Plaintiff on Proper Notice

Plaintiff, Ferring B.V., filed a patent infringement action against Watson Laboratory, Inc. (“Watson Labs”) for tranexamic acid tablets sold under the trademark Lysteda. Watson Labs applied to the FDA for permission to manufacture and sell generic tranexamic acid tablets. Watson Labs filed a counterclaim and answer, including an assertion that…


Covenant Not to Sue Contains an Implied License Barring Infringement Claims and Cannot Be Revoked After Reliance

The parties, ICOS Vision Systems and Scanner Technologies, have been involved in patent litigation against one another for over ten years. The patents at issue concern technology used to inspect electronic packaging and one of the patents involved the use of ball grid arrays that provide a method of securing…


Round Rock Loses Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Personal Jurisdiction in its Battle with SanDisk: SanDisk Corporation v. Round Rock Research

SanDisk Corporation (“SanDisk”) brought a declaratory relief action seeking a declaration that its products do not infringe certain patents held by Round Rock Research and that the patents were invalid. Round Rock moved to dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction, contending that its conduct in sending letters to SanDisk in…

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