
Articles Posted in Discovery


Apple Seeks Order Preventing Samsung’s Attorney from Participating in Further Depositions on Charges That Attorney Did Not Practice with Honesty, Care and Decorum

In the ongoing action between Apple and Samsung, Apple filed a motion for a protective order seeking to prohibit one of Samsung’s attorneys from participating in any further depositions. Alternatively, Apple sought an order restricting the attorney from engaging in particularly abusive deposition acts, including belligerent and insulting treatment of…


Apple and Samsung Preliminary Injunction Battle Heats Up As Court Rules on Discovery Dispute

The ongoing patent battles between Apple and Samsung continue to pick up speed and show no signs of slowing down anytime soon. During the summer, Apple filed a motion for a preliminary injunction on certain of its patents and the district court ordered limited initial discovery for the topics raised…


Court Allows Discovery Directed to Inequitable Conduct Defense Even After the Discovery Cut-Off

In a recent ruling from the United States District Court for the Sothern District of California, a Magistrate Judge allowed discovery to take place on an inequitable conduct defense after the discovery cut-off. The defendant propounded document requests a little more than 30 days before the discovery cut-off and plaintiff…


Failing to Produce Documents and False Declarations Lead to Monetary Sanctions and Evidentiary Sanctions Precluding Defendants from Contradicting Plaintiffs’ Experts on Issues of Infringement, Sales and Profits

Plaintiffs filed a lawsuit for patent infringement, unfair competition and breach of fiduciary duty against several defendants, including AIM Sports. Plaintiffs design, develop and distribute firearm related tools, accessories and sporting optics. Defendants and plaintiffs had a business relationship that permitted Defendants to access trade secret information that belonged to…


Motion to Compel Granted Over Defendant’s Request to Limit Scope of Search for Electronically Stored Information Because Search and Review Would Cost $1 Million

In this patent infringement suit, the parties were unable to agree upon a written Electronically Stored Information (“ESI”) protocol. Before the protocol was executed, the district court ordered the parties to comply with all scheduling orders and production deadliness regardless of whether they had agreed upon a final written agreement…


Central District of California Court Holds That The Absence of Pinpoint Citations to Source Code In Plaintiff’s Infringement Contentions Does Not Bar Deposition Over Source Code

A recent decision from the Central District of California held that a deposition of the author of source code, or similar engineers, cannot be withheld until the producing party, i.e., the party providing the witness, is satisfied that the pinpoint infringement contentions are sufficient. In so holding, the Court indicated…


Court Orders Production of Sales Evaluation Files for Products Accused of Infringement

In a patent infringement action between Kimberly-Clark (“K-C”) and First Quality Baby Products (“First Quality”) pending in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, K-C filed a motion to compel First Quality to produce sales evaluation files relating to products accused of infringement. K-C asserted that…


Google CEO Ordered to Testify in Patent Dispute with Oracle

In the ongoing patent battle between Google and Oracle over aspects of the Android operating system, Oracle filed a motion seeking to take four additional depositions, including Google CEO, Larry Page. Each of these depositions would be over the ten deposition limit established by Fed.R.Civ.P. 30. Google opposed the request…


Motion to Compel Granted Where Infringement Contentions Were Inadequate to Put Defendant on Notice of Infringement

In a recent case from the United States District Court for the Northern District of California, the district court granted a defendant’s motion to compel an interrogatory response where the infringement contentions were inadequate to put the defendant on notice of the alleged infringement. The infringement contentions relied on a…


Complete Source Code Production Ordered for Deposition

In a recent case from the Central District of California, the court ordered the defendant to produce the complete source code for an allegedly infringing product during a deposition. The plaintiff noticed the depositions of certain engineers from the defendant and requested that the defendant provide a complete copy of…

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