
Articles Posted in Damages


Damage Award of $5 Million Upheld Where Plaintiff Submitted Expert Testimony of Running Royalty Rate and Jury Was Not Required to Adopt Either of the Parties Royalty Calculations

Plaintiff, Imaginal Systems, LLC (“Imaginal”) filed a patent infringement action against Leggett & Platt, Inc. (“Leggett”) and Simmons Bedding Company (“Simmons”) over three patents, which pertain to automatic stapling machines and a method of manufacturing box spring mattresses. The district court ruled on summary judgment that Imaginal’s patents were valid…


Oracle v. Google: Oracle Strikes Back and Succeeds in Striking Part of Google’s Expert Report on Damages

In response to Oracle’s third expert on damages (which was submitted after the district court had struck parts of the first two reports), Google’s damage experts were permitted to submit supplemental damage reports. With respect to the patent damages, the district court summarized the supplemental report as follows: “In his…


Judge Posner Consolidates Multiple Defendants Sued in Separate Actions and Raises Questions Whether Plaintiffs, if Successful in Establishing Liability, Will Be Entitled to Non-Trivial Damages

As a preliminary matter, Judge Posner consolidated the six patent cases that were filed by Brandeis University against various defendants, finding that they involve a number of common issues of law and that judicial efficiency would be maximized by consolidation. “These six cases are hereby consolidated under 1:12-cv-01508, pursuant to…


Oracle v. Google: The Battle Over Android Continues as Google Seeks to Exclude Oracle’s Damage Expert for the Third Time

The district court had previously stricken certain parts of Oracle’s damage expert report on two separate occasions. First, the district court struck Oracle’s expert report for failing to apportion the value of the asserted claims and instead using the total value of Java and Android in calculating damages. Second, the…


Tactical Decision to Exclude Royalty Rate from Expert Report Causes Court to Preclude Defendant from Arguing Royalty Rate to the Jury

In this patent infringement action, the defendant, Varian Medical Systems, provided an expert report on damages that did not state a royalty rate for the accused products. The district court termed this a tactical decision. “By the way of background, Defendant Varian made the tactical decision to have its expert…


The Battle over Android, Oracle v. Google: Oracle Is Ordered to Produce Witnesses for Deposition Because of an Unfortunate Typo

Oracle continues to experience trouble with its damage expert report in the ongoing battle over the Android Operating System. In its third attempt to prepare an appropriate damage report, Oracle’s expert apparently consulted with a number of Java engineers employed by Sun (now Oracle). He consulted with the engineers in…


The Battle over Android, Oracle v. Google: Court Allows Third Chance for Oracle’s Damage Expert to Take a Bite out of Google But Makes Oracle Pay for the Chance

In the ongoing saga over Oracle’s lawsuit against Google, the district court has allowed Oracle’s damage expert another chance to fix its damage report. The district court had previously stricken Oracle’s damage expert report on two previous occasions but allowed Oracle’s damage expert a third chance. Before addressing the damage…


The Battle over Android: Google Succeeds in Striking Oracle’s Damage Expert for Conducting a Patent-By-Patent Analysis Instead of a Claim-By-Claim Analysis

Oracle’s damage expert was directed to submit a substitute expert report after his original report was excluded on a motion by Google because it failed to apportion the value of the asserted claims and instead used a total value of Java and Android in calculating damages. The substitute damages report…


Lost Profits Claim Dismissed Where Plaintiff Did Not Provide Sufficient Evidence to Support the Entire Market Value Rule in Opposing Summary Judgment

Defendant filed a motion for summary judgment on lost profits challenging plaintiff’s use of the entire market value rule. Defendant contended that plaintiff had not presented sufficient evidence to go to the jury on the entire market value rule. Plaintiff asserted that the defendant was misapplying the entire market value…


Google Again Moves to Strike Part of Oracle’s Damage Claim in the Battle over Android

Google filed a motion to strike the revised damages expert report submitted by Oracle in their continuing battle over Android. In the second expert report, Oracle’s expert “estimated damages, from 2007 through 2011, to be $201.8 million for patent infringement, $823.9 million in unjust enrichment for copyright infringement (not deducting…

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