
Articles Posted by Stan Gibson


Royalty Awarded After Remittitur More Appropriately Based on Percentage Than Dollar Figure Per Unit Sold to Avoid Windfall to Plaintiff

In February 2013, Tomita Technologies USA, LLC (“Tomita”) went to trial before a jury against Nintendo Co., Ltd. (“Nintendo”). In March 2013, the jury returned a verdict in favor of Tomita in the amount of $30.2 million, finding that the Nintendo 3DS infringed one of Tomita’s patents. The jury also…


District Court Excludes Royalty Calculation of Defense Expert Where Expert Used an Incorrect Date for the Hypothetical Negotiation

As Cassidian Communications, Inc.’s (“Cassidian”) patent infringement case against Microdata GIS, Inc. (“Microdata”) moved toward trial, Cassidian moved to exclude the testimony of defendants’ expert. The motion to exclude was based on the argument that the expert report was fatally flawed in that it calculated a reasonable royalty based on…


Rembrandt v. Facebook: District Court Excludes Damage Expert Where Expert Failed to Apportion Damages to Patented Features in Accused Product

Rembrandt Social Media, LP (“Rembrandt”) filed a patent infringement action against Facebook alleging that Facebook infringed two of its patents, U.S. Patent No. 6,415,316 (“the ‘316 patent) and U.S. Patent No. 6,289,362 (“the ‘362 patent”).In 2009, Facebook introduced two new features to its website called BigPipe and Audience Symbol. Rembrandt’s…


District Court Declines to Vacate Claim Construction Order After Settlement Agreement

After Single Touch Interactive, Inc. (“Single Touch”) and Zoove Corporation (“Zoove”) reached a settlement in their patent infringement action, both parties filed a stipulated motion to vacate the district court’s previous claim construction order. The parties’ settlement agreement provided that they would jointly request that the district court vacate the…


Apple v. Samsung: District Court Denies Samsung’s Emergency Renewed Motion for Stay Pending Reexamination of Apple’s Patent

In the continuing battle between Apple and Samsung, Samsung recently filed an emergency motion to stay pending reexamination of an Apple patent. To analyze whether the stay was appropriate, the district court provided an overview of the litigation beginning with the filing of Apple’s complaint against Samsung in April 2011…


Long Delay in Moving to Transfer Results in Denial of Motion

The Defendant QxQ Inc. (“QxQ”), which is a California company, moved to transfer a patent infringement case from the Eastern District of Wisconsin to the Northern District of California. QxQ asserted that the connections between the Eastern District of Wisconsin and the case were so limited that litigating the action…


Summary Judgment Granted Where District Court Determined Patent Was Not Infringed Because Not All of Infringing Steps of Method Patent Were Performed in the United States

Automatic Data Processing, Inc. (“ADP”) filed a declaratory judgment action against Wellogix, Inc., and Wellogix Technology Licensing LLC (“Wellogix”) for a determination that ADP does not infringe a Wellogix method patent on comparing data from purchase orders, field data, and invoices. After the action was filed, ADP moved for summary…


District Court in Delaware Dismisses Patent Infringement Claim That is Plead Based on Joint Infringement But Did Not Plead Sufficient Facts to Establish Direction and/or Control

Bonutti Skeletal Innovations LLC (“Benutti”) filed a patent infringement action against Conformis, Inc. (“Conformis”). Conformis moved to dismiss on several grounds, including that the complaint asserted an infringement theory based on “joint infringement” and therefore did not state a claim for relief. In analyzing the claim at issue, the district…


District Court Excludes Patent Quality Inventor Study that Ranked Inventor of Patents-in-Suit as “Top Rated Inventor” But Denies Motion to Stay Pending Inter Partes Review Filed on Eve of Trial

Personalized Media Communications, LLC “PMC”) filed a patent infringement action against Zynga, Inc. (“Zynga”). Prior to trial, PMC sought to use an exhibit created by Ocean Tomo, entitled “Patent Quality Inventor Study.” The study purported to rank “John Harvey (the inventor of the patents in suit) as the “top rated…


Apple v. Samsung: District Court Strikes Part of Samsung’s Expert’s Report on Damages

As Apple and Samsung prepare for a new trial on damages, Apple filed a motion to exclude part of the damage calculation set forth in Samsung’s updated expert report on damages. In particular, Apple moved to exclude the damage calculation pertaining to the Samsung Gem phone on the ground that…

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