
Articles Posted by Stan Gibson


District Court Denies Daubert Motion Based on VirnetX as Exceeding the District Court’s Role as Gatekeeper

In this patent infringement action, Adobe filed a Daubert motion seeking to exclude the plaintiff’s damage expert largely based on VirnetX, Inc. v. Cisco Sys., Inc., 2014 WL 4548722 (Fed. Cir. Sept. 16, 2014). As explained by the district court, “Adobe does not seriously challenge Mr. Yurkerwich’s qualifications as an…


District Court Grants Motion to Compel Internal Counsel Communications of Plaintiff That Did Not Pertain to Litigation

Dell moved to compel the production of certain internal counsel communications at the plaintiff, MLR. MLR had refused to produce the documents, claiming work product protection. As explained by the district court, “[i]n the circumstances presented here, which are the result of MLR’s choices, the established policies underlying the work…


District Court Precludes Admission of Inter Partes Review Proceedings in Front of Jury But Permits Consideration as part of Willfulness Determination

In this patent infringement action between Ultratec, Inc. (“Ultratec”) and Sorenson Communications, Inc. (“Sorenson”), Sorenson sought to admit evidence of an inter partes review proceeding of the patent-in-suit. Sorenson wanted to admit the evidence to contradict the plaintiff’s use of the presumption of validity of the patent. As explained by…


Fujitsu v. Tellabs: The District Court Orders Additional Sanctions for Fujitsu’s Continued “Contemptuous Conduct”

Following the district court’s previous order granting a motion to compel against Fujitsu, and Fujitsu’s unsuccessful appeal to the Federal Circuit, the district court ordered sanctions in the form of a civil penalty. As the district court explained, the civil penalty was designed to provide an incentive to motivate the…


Fujitsu v. Tellabs: Fujitsu Appeal’s Decision on Motion to Compel and, After It Loses on Appeal, District Court Orders a Civil Penalty Which Doubles Each Day Documents Are Not Produced

In this patent infringement action, the district court granted a motion to compel filed by Tellabs against Fujitsu. Fujitsu then filed a petition for a writ of mandamus with the Federal Circuit to overturn the decision of the district court. The Federal Circuit promptly denied the writ of mandamus as…


Inducing Infringement Claim Dismissed on Sua Sponte Order Where Alleged Infringer Did Not Perform All Method Steps and Did Not Exercise Direction and Control

In this patent infringement action, the district court issued a sua sponte order requiring plaintiff to show why its inducing infringement claims should not be dismissed as a matter of law. After addressing the United States Supreme Court’s recent decision in Limelight, the district court noted that no single party…


Motion to Strike Expert Testimony Denied Even Though Expert Had Never Used Product and Examined Only Selected Pieces of Source Code

In this patent infringement action, the defendant moved to exclude portions of the plaintiff’s (Dr. Bambos’) expert testimony. Defendant argued that Dr. Bambos lacks familiarity with the infringing products, relied too heavily on someone else to provide him with relevant segments of source code to review, and used the district…


Court Denies Motion to Compel Deposition Testimony on Overly Broad 30(b)(6) Topics and on “Contention” Topics

In this patent infringement action brought by Trustees of Boston University (“BU”), BU alleged that defendants infringed U.S. Patent No. 5,686,738 (the “‘738 Patent”), which centers on light emitting diodes (“LEDs”) and the technology behind them. BU moved for an order compelling defendant Epistar Corporation (“Epistar”) to designate new Rule…


Laches Defense Denied Where Texas Instruments Failed to Produce Products that Demonstrated Notice During Discovery and Texas Instruments Failed to Make Showing of Economic Prejudice

At the end of trial, the Defendant, Texas Instruments Incorporated’s (“TI”), pursued its equitable defense of laches, the only remaining issue left in this patent infringement case. The district court conduced an evidentiary hearing on laches at which the district court heard the live testimony of five witnesses and also…


District Court Grants Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Standing Where Plaintiff Did Not Provide Evidence That It Owned the Patent at the Time of Filing the Complaint

Juno Lighting, LLC (“Juno”) filed a complaint against Nora Lighting, Inc. (“Nora”) on February 11, 2013. The complaint alleged that Nora infringed Juno’s patent, No. 5,505,419 (“‘419 Patent”), entitled Bar Hanger for a Recessed Light Fixture Assembly. Nora filed a counterclaim on May 28, 2013. After the case was stayed…

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